sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009

What are individual rights referring to computers?

  • Article 101. - A program for computing the original expression in any form, language or code, a set of instructions which, with a sequence, structure and specific organization, aims to make a computer or device performs a specific task or function.
  • Article 102. - Computer programs are protected on the same terms as literary works. Such protection extends to both operating programs to application programs, whether in object code form. Save those computer programs which seek to cause harm to other programs or computers.
  • Article 103. - Unless otherwise agreed in contract, economic rights in a computer program and its documentation, they have been created by one or more employees in the exercise of their duties as instructed by the employer, relate to this.
  • Article 104. - As an exception to the provisions of Article 27 paragraph IV, the owner of copyright in a computer program or database shall, even after the sale of copies thereof, the right to authorize or prohibit the letting of such copies. This provision does not apply where the copy of the software does not constitute in itself an essential object of the license.
  • Article 105. - The user of a computer program may make as many copies to authorize the license granted by the owner of the copyright, or a single copy of the program provided that:
    1. Is essential for the use of the program;
    2. Is intended exclusively as a backup to replace the legitimately acquired copy when it is not used for damage or loss. The backup must be destroyed when the user's end to use the computer program.

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